Can science help us reduce inequality gaps?
17:05 - 17:50
The notable increase in efficiency and productivity in the global economy, driven by scientific and technological progress, didn't benefit everyone in our society. In fact, many credible reports demonstrate that the income inequality gaps in our society are getting worse. In this talk, we build on the work of Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz which projects that reducing income inequality is more beneficial to the economy, by describing an accelerator program for tech transfers, which aligns the interests of key stakeholders (scientists, engineers, businesses and investors), with the most pressing needs of our society.
Bridger (Waleed Ammar) is the CEO of Holistic Intelligence for Global Good and an affiliate professor at the University of Washington. His research work spans a variety of scientific areas including Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Science of Science, and Genomics. Bridger earned his Ph.D. at Carnegie Mellon University and most of his work experience at Microsoft Research, Google Research, and Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence focuses on bridging the disconnect between state-of-the-art methods developed by research scientists and tech products which utilizes these methods to address societal needs, eg, translation, task-oriented dialog, and genome sequencing.